After draining used sump oils from warm engines, the drain plugs should be reinserted and the engines refilled to the minimum oil level.
Engines may then be run for 2 to 3 minutes under tick-over conditions, in order to circulate the oil and effectively wash the inner surfaces of the engine.
Engines should not be run under load conditions while flushing oil is in use.
After circulation, the engine should be switched off, the drain plug removed and the charge of flushing oil drained from the engine. If the flushing oil appears to be excessively dark in colour, then the flushing operation may be repeated until only mild discolouration relative to the appearance of new flushing oil is observed. Finally, drain the flushing oil before replacing the drain plug and charging the engine with new lubricating engine oil
Pure oil compatible with all types of engine oils.
– Effective in cleansing mobile sludge from inner engine surfaces